Massimo Tornatore is currently a Full Professor in the Department of Electronics, Information, and Bioengineering, Politecnico di Milano. He has also held appointments as an Adjunct Professor at the University of California, Davis, USA, and as visiting professor at the University of Waterloo, Canada.
His research interests include performance evaluation, optimization and design of communication networks (with an emphasis on the application of optical networking technologies), network virtualization, network reliability, and machine learning application for network management. In these areas, he co-authored more than 400 peer-reviewed conference and journal papers (with 19 best paper awards), 2 books, and 1 patent. He is a member of the Editorial Board of IEEE Communication Surveys and Tutorials, IEEE Communication Letters, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, IEEE Transactions on Networking, and Elsevier Optical Switching and Networking. He is an active member of the technical program committee of various networking conferences such as INFOCOM, OFC, ICC, and GLOBECOM. He acted as technical program chair of ONDM 2016, DRCN 2017, and DRCN 2019 conferences. He participated in several EU R&D projects (among others, FP7 COMBO, H2020 MetroHaul, and Cost Action RECODIS) as well as in several projects in the USA, Canada, and Italy. Also, he is a Fellow of the IEEE.